일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
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목록분류 전체보기 (44)

Let me introduce you to Asan City's December policies! These days, Asan City is enriching the lives of its citizens with various policies and programs. In particular, there are many new news in December, so I really want to tell you all about them. Let's take a look at them one by one. 😊 Overview of Asan City's December policies Asan City is implementing various policies for December. In partic..

Hello! Today, I will introduce you to the Christmas free gift event held in Asan City. 🎄✨ This special event has various programs that you can enjoy with your family, so it is a great place to go with your children. Let's take a closer look. Event Introduction Asan City holds a free gift event every year to celebrate Christmas. This year, there are various programs prepared to help you enjoy th..

아산 공세리 성당 크리스마스 🎄안녕하세요! 오늘은 아산에 위치한 공세리 성당의 크리스마스 시즌을 소개해 드릴게요. 이곳은 매년 크리스마스가 되면 화려한 조명과 장식으로 가득 차서 많은 사람들의 사랑을 받는 명소예요. 그럼, 함께 이 아름다운 성당을 탐방해 볼까요?공세리 성당은 아산의 대표적인 가톨릭 성당으로, 독특한 고딕 양식의 건축물이에요. 성당의 외관은 정말 아름답고, 특히 크리스마스 시즌에는 더욱 화려하게 변신한답니다. 성당 앞에는 두 그루의 크리스마스 트리가 세워져 있고, 그 주위에는 다양한 조명 장식이 있어요. 이곳은 사진 찍기에도 정말 좋은 장소예요.이미지 출처2. 크리스마스 시즌의 특별한 매력크리스마스 시즌이 되면 성당은 마치 동화 속 한 장면처럼 변해요. 성당의 외벽은 화려한 조명으로 장..

“Cheonan and Asan are the best locations” = The Chungnam Research Institute recently released the analysis results of its ‘Cheonan and Asan Immigration Office and Immigration Management Office Attraction Strategy Research’, which concluded that ‘Cheonan and Asan in Chungnam are the best locations for the establishment of the immigration office.’ Chungnam Province and Cheonan and Asan City are em..

Asan City, Chungnam Province, is promoting a specialized care project called ‘Ride the Vacation Care Bus with City Tour’ to resolve the gap in elementary school care during vacation. This project, which is operated free of charge with the support of the Asan City Cultural Foundation, Chungnam Asan Professional Football Team, Chungnam Provincial Office of Education, and Asan Office of Education, ..
Asan City, South Chungcheong Province, has reorganized its statistics homepage and established a new citizen data platform so that citizens can easily check the statistical data they need anytime and anywhere. According to Asan City on the 4th, the newly renovated statistics homepage, which was carried out through this improvement work to provide citizens with even more advanced data-based admin..